Jeff McWilliams, MD

Jeff McWilliams, MD

Jeff McWilliams, MD

Recent posts by Jeff McWilliams, MD

3 min read

One Physician's Journey to Finding Patient AND Provider Satisfaction

By Jeff McWilliams, MD on May 12, 2016

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Dr. Jeff McWilliams. Dr. McWilliams is an Emergency Physician, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Customer Service at Leading Edge Medical Associates. He is also a thought leader in the realms of healthcare and servitude and his thoughts on effecting change in the world one individual at a time can be read on his blog, Advocates of Excellence. Enjoy!


What is customer service in healthcare? Who defines it? Better yet who propagates and sustains it? Over the years I have been involved in this industry, I've been searching for the next best process, “key words” to excite and motivate my team, or other "secret weapons" of employee engagement.

Topics: Leadership Healthcare
1 min read

How our Vantage Points have Changed the Future of Healthcare

By Jeff McWilliams, MD on Apr 28, 2015


EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to our guest blogger, Dr. Jeff McWilliams. Dr. McWilliams is an Emergency Physician, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Customer Service at Leading Edge Medical Associates. He is also a thought leader in the realms of healthcare and servitude and his thoughts on effecting change in the world one individual at a time can be read on his blog, Advocates of Excellence. Enjoy!


As humans, we have always defined and explained the events in our lives through our experiences and points of reference. We once thought the earth was flat because from our vantage points, we could only see the horizon. Mold was simply mold until perception changed to include the petri dish and the power of penicillin. Communication was limited to written or in-person correspondence until humans understood how to harness the electrical current into other modes of contact.