Manage capacity, track patients, and limit exposure — all from a centralised platform

Facilitate movement and load-balancing of patients, staff, and supplies between healthcare facilities, across districts and entire regions



Pulsara's MED OPS™ package facilitates dedicated patient communication channels for each case. Connect entire communities and coordinate care during a multiple patient incident, full-fledged disaster, or worldwide pandemic.






Optimise Patient Distribution and Load-Balance Healthcare Capacity

Coordinate Large-Scale Care

Interact seamlessly and instantly with Emergency Management personnel, Public Health, EAS, members of care providers, and even patients themselves. Every update and event is time-stamped, documented and accessible to all authorised members of the patient channel.



UNITE Communication Across Districts, Regions, and Beyond

Regardless of where hospitals, EAS crews, and other healthcare providers are located throughout your district or region, you can unite communication and facilitate transparency with the tap of a button.




Mitigate Patient Surge and Manage Transfers

Getting the right patient the right treatment is critical. Pulsara helps reduce hospital overwhelming by coordinating the transfer of the sickest patients to the right facilities based on capacity.



Minimise Exposure and Facilitate PPE Preservation

Replace in-person interactions with secure live video in order to minimise patient and care provider exposure and preserve PPE in times of pandemic.


Feature-Rich, Equipment-Light

Ditch archaic technology. During a multiple patient incident, Emergency Management Operations need to scale quickly. Pulsara enables both scalability and flexibility to meet your regions dynamically changing needs.


With Pulsara, everything is encrypted, secure, cloud-based, and vetted by the nation's largest healthcare organisations. Security is our #1 priority.

Live Audio/Video

Provide "just in time" emergency telemedicine - anywhere, any time - to manage the pandemic crisis for patient assessment and transport decisions.


The power of Pulsara provides Emergency Management and Public Health the ability to coordinate resources on the fly as system demands change.

Stay in Control

Like Air Traffic Control, Pulsara provides a bird’s eye disaster coordination view while maintaining real-time clinician-level interactions.

Built for Reliability

No expensive hardware, low cost IT support, no expensive LAN/WAN network costs, and natively designed to handle the unknown.

Instant Feedback

Pulsara's capability as a communications hub provides an instant ability to add necessary regional or national resources, facilitating quick problem-solving.


Ready to get started?




Pulsara MED OPS

Manage Emergency Management Operations


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